2023 Heylin, R. and Triandafyllidou, A. (2023) PDF fileRegularizations of migrants without status in Europe: Scope, impact and lessons learned. CERC Migration Policy Brief 11, Feb. 2023.
2022 (with A. Parkin and S. Aytac) Newcomers to Canada support Indigenous Peoples and reconciliation, 20 June 2022.
2021 (with M. Martiniello) How Covid-19 upended our understanding of migration, citizenship and inequality, 23 September 2021.
2021 (with L. Lam) Migrants, platform work and resilience. World Bank Blog, 16 December 2021
2021 (with L. Nalbandian) A closer look at Canada’s immigration policy response to Covid-19, First Policy Response, 3 June 2021.
2021 (with L. Lam) British Uber driver win is promising but gig workers still need basic rights, The Conversation, 1 March 2021.
2021 (with T. Magazzini) Belonging and Believing? How Faith Fits around the World, Religion and Diplomacy, 5 March 2021.
2020 (with L. Nalbandian) “Disposable” and “essential”: Changes in the global hierarchies of migrant workers after COVID-19, IOM, August 2020.
2020 How to build a better Canada after COVID-19: Rethinking immigration can boost the economy, The Conversation, 2 July 2020.
2020 (with L. Nalbandian) Can the COVID-19 crisis be an opportunity for Canada’s migrant farmworkers?. First Policy Response, 11 June 2020.
2020 (with L. Nalbandian) High-skilled immigrants are stuck in limbo. Can we help them ‘work remotely?’. First Policy Response, 10 June 2020.
2020 (with T. Magazzini, T. Modood, T. Sealy) What is the fate of religion in Europe?. Open Democracy, April 2020.
2020 At times of a pandemic: transnational solidarity not national borders, Open Democracy, 9 April 2020.
2019 (with K. Kuschminder) Eritrean migrants face torture in Libya: What the international community can do, The Conversation, 18 November 2019
2019 (with I. Isaakyan) The course of true labour market integration never ran smoothly for migrants, Springer Nature, International Migrants Day, 18 December 2019
2019 Europe failed migrants after the Berlin Wall fell, it now risks doing the same, Open Democracy, 12 November 2019
2019 The answer to extremist violence is strong resilient communities, Open Democracy, 27 October 2019
2019 (with L. Bartolini, and Caterina Francesca Guidi) Exploring the Links Between Enhancing Regular Pathways and Discouraging Irregular Migration; A Discussion Paper to inform future policy deliberations, Geneva: IOM, available at: http://cadmus.eui.eu/handle/1814/61251
2019 (with Michele Nori) Mediterranean interfaces: agriculture, rural development and migration: Forward-looking policies and programmes for an integrated approach, EUI Global Governance Programme, Policy Brief 2019/03.
2018 (with A. Corrado, M. Nori, L. Palumbo, F. Caruso, M. Lo Cascio) Is Italian agriculture a ‘pull factor’ for irregular migrataion – and, if so, why? Policy Brief, EUI and OSF, Florence and Brussels, November 2018.
2018 (with. A Corrado, M. Nori, L. Palumbo, F. Caruso, M. Lo Cascio) Is Italian agriculture a ‘pull factor’for irregular migration – and, if so, why? Technical report, EUI and Open Society Foundations, November 2018.
2018 Migration and Globalisation: Dynamics and Contradictions, @Elgarblog, 21 February 2018
2018 New British exceptionalism – no longer in competition for the best and the brightest?, @LSE Brexit, 13 December 2017
2017 Media Coverage on Migration: Promoting a Balanced Reporting, by Anna Triandafyllidou in the Researchers Syndicate initiative for the Global Compact on Migration, published on 15 November 2017
2017 The case of the ‘Emergency Relocation Quotas’ What actually advances policymaking in the field of migration? Is the system fit for purpose? @Open Democracy, 25 October 2017
2017 A Sectorial Approach to Labour Migration: Agriculture and Domestic Work by Anna Triandafyllidou in the Researchers Syndicate initiative for the Global Compact on Migration, published on 25 October 2017.
2017 French election between migrant rights and closing borders @TheConversationGlobal, May 2017
2017 The unintended consequences of anti-migrant smuggling policies @OpenDemocracy, April 2017
2017 Big changes in EU migration governance, EUobserver, (17 March 2017)
2017 ‘Big, beautiful’ walls don’t stop migrants in the US or Europe, The Conversation, (13 February 2017)
2017 The Greek asylum crisis: moving beyond the blame game to a real solution, The Conversation, (26 January 2017)
2017 Europe must open up to new ideas about the secular state, The Conversation, (16 January 2017)
2016 (with L. Palumbo) Addressing severe exploitation: a critical view of awareness and transparency initiatives, 24 May 2016, available at: https://www.opendemocracy.net/beyondslavery/pt/letizia-palumbo/addressing-severe-exploitation-critical-view-of-awareness-and-transpar
2016 (with S. Marchetti) Regulating or awareness-raising to avoid severe exploitation? Employers in the migrant domestic sector, 24 May 2016, Available at https://www.opendemocracy.net/beyondslavery/pt/anna-triandafyllidou-sabrina-marchetti/regulating-or-awareness-raising-to-avoid-severe
2016 Governing Migrant Smuggling. A Criminality Approach is not Sufficient. Published in Open Democracy, on 6 April 2016, at https://www.opendemocracy.net/beyondslavery/hsr/anna-triandafyllidou/governing-migrant-smuggling-criminality-approach-is-not-sufficien
2015 Turning the Refugee Crisis into an Opportunity? Current Challenges for Greece and Suggestions for Action, Policy Brief, Global Governance Programme, EUI, 2015/3.
2015 (with Ruby Gropas and Irina Isaakyan) Transnational Mobility, Human Capital Transfers and Migrant Integration, ITHACA project, Policy Paper, October 2015.
2015 European Muslims. Caught between Local Integration Challenges and Global Terrorism Discourses, IAI NEW MED project, published in March 2015.
2015 EU migration talks: What EU governments can do to help solve the crisis, Policy Blog, EUROPP LSE, 14 September 2015.
2015 Irregular migration in the Mediterranean. Four Key Principles to Solve the Crisis, Policy Blog, EUROPP LSE, 21 April 2015.
2015 Irregular migration is feeding into the growth of anti-establishment politics in southern Europe, Policy Blog, EUROPP LSE, 17 February 2015.
2014 (with Irina Isaakyan) EU Management of High Skill Migration, Policy Brief, Global Governance Programme, EUI, 2014/4.
2014 Migration Integration in 2020 Europe. The Case for Integration Partnerships, in S. Carrera, E. Guild and K. Eisele, Rethinking the Attractiveness of EU Labour Immigration Policies, Brussels: CEPS, November 2014.
2014 (with D. Angeli and A. Dimitriadi) Assessing the Cost Effectiveness of Irregular Migration Control Policies in Greece, Policy Paper, October 2014.
2014 (with D. Angeli and A. Dimitriadi) Assessing the Cost Effectiveness of Irregular Migration Control Policies in Greece, Policy Paper, October 2014.
2014 (with Iryna Ulasiuk) Managing Complex Cultural Diversity in Europe. The Idea of Diversity Partnerships, Policy Brief, Global Governance Programme, EUI, 2014/2.
2014 Managing Migration and Asylum in Europe. Three Proposals for Europe 2020. Policy Brief, Global Governance Programme, EUI, 2014/1.
2014 (with D. Angeli) Is the indiscriminate detention of irregular migrants a cost-effective policy tool? A case study of the Amygdaleza Pre-Removal Centre, ELIAMEP, MIDAS project, May 2014.
2014 (with S. Marchetti) Europe 2020: Addressing Low Skill Labour Migration at times of Fragile Recovery, Global Governance Programme, EUI, 2014/05, Policy Paper.
2014 (with D. Angeli and A. Dimitriadi) Detention as Punishment. Can indefinite detention be Greece’s main policy tool to manage its irregular migrant population? ELIAMEP, MIDAS and IRMA project, April 2014.
2014 Migration Profile, Greece, available also in German.
2013 Disentangling the migration and asylum knot: dealing with crisis situations and avoiding detention, Global Governance Programme, EUI, 2013/19; Policy Paper.
2013 (with I. Ulasiuk) Cultural diversity : advantage or liability?, Global Governance Programme; 2013/04; Policy Briefs
2013 (with I. Isaakyan), High-skill mobility : addressing the challenges of a knowledge-based economy at times of crisis, EUI RSCAS PP; 2013/14; Global Governance Programme
2013 (with T. Maroukis) Mobility Partnerships: a convincing tool for the EU’s global approach to migration?, Policy Paper n° 76, Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute, February 2013
2012 Greece: How a state in crisis manages its migration crisis E-note, for Institut Francais des Relations Internationales.
2011 Managing Asylum Seeking in Europe: How to Revise the Dublin II Convention, in Fabry, E. (ed) Think Global Act European, The Contribution of 16 European Think Tanks to the Polish, Danish and Cypriot Trip Presidency of the European Union. Paris: Notre Europe, pp. 192-198.
Published in 2010 or earlier
2010 Seasonal Migration and how to Regulate it, Policy Brief, ELIAMEP Thesis, no. 5/2010, available at: http://www.eliamep.gr/en/migration/publications-migration/eliamep-thesis-52010-seasonal-migration-and-how-to-regulate-it/ .
2010 Controlling Migration in Southern Europe (Part 1) Fencing Strategies Real Instituto Elcano, ARI papers no. 7/2010..
2010 Controlling Migration in Southern Europe (Part 2) Gate-Keeping Strategies Real Instituto Elcano, Madrid, ARI Papers no. 8/2010
2009 Managing Migration in the EU: Mobility Partnership and the European Neighbourhood, ELIAMEP Thesis, 1/2009, Policy Paper available at www.eliamep.gr/en/
2009 (with T. Martin) The Migration Mix: Europe’s Multicultural Challenge, EMILIE European Policy Brief, available at: http://emilie.eliamep.gr/european-policy-briefs/
2009 (with R. Gropas) Education Policies and the Challenge of Migration: Intercultural and Multicultural Concepts and Policies, EMILIE Policy Brief, available at: http://emilie.eliamep.gr/european-policy-briefs/
2009 ‘Politicas de control en Europa del Sur. ¿Una tarea de Sisifo?’, Recorridos Migratorios, vol. 2, September 2009, in Spanish.
2007 European Migration Policy and the Labour Market. Thinking Outside the Square in E. Fabry and G. Ricard-Nihoul (eds) Think Global Act European. The Contribution of European Think Tanks to the French, Czech and Swedish Presidencies of the European Union, Paris: Fondation pour l’innovation politique Notre Europe, pp.174-180.
2008 Controlling Migration in Greece: Policies, Problems and Opportunities, Policy Analysis Paper (ARI), Real Instituto Elcano, 1 April 2008.
2005 Ελληνική μεταναστευτική πολιτική. Προβλήματα και κατευθύνσεις (Greek immigration policy. Problems and developments), ELIAMEP Policy Paper PP 05.01, December 2005, in Greek with a long summary in English, available to download at http://www.eliamep.gr/migration/publications-metanasteusi/elliniki-metanasteftiki-politiki-provlimata-ke-katefthinsis.
2005 (with D. Vogel) ‘Civic activation of immigrants. An introduction to conceptual and theoretical issues’ in D.Vogel (ed) Building Europe with New Citizens. Actve civic participation of immigrants in Europe, Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, printed in 2006, pp. 5-25. Also available as POLITIS-Working paper No. 1/2005 POLITIS-WP1-2005, at http://www.uni-oldenburg.de/politis-europe/16084.html
2005 ‘Nuevos retos para Europa. Migracion, seguridad y derechos de ciudadania’ (New challenges for Europe: Migration, security and citizenship rights) in Cinco años después de Tampere*. II Seminario Inmigración y Europa. Barcelona: Fundació CIDOB y Diputació de Barcelona, pp. 87-107, in Spanish.