Trafficking in human beings covers a range of forms of forced labour and exploitation of women, men and children. While responses to trafficking have traditionally focused on combating the criminal networks involved in trafficking or protecting the human rights of victims, European countries are increasingly exploring ways of influencing demand for the services or products of those trafficked within their own economies and societies – for example, through criminalising clients, better control of recruitment agencies, or fair trade campaigns. DemandAT examines the history, economics and politics of anti-trafficking measures, and explores how effective they have been in practice. By delivering theoretical and empirical background knowledge the project aims at feeding the EU and national policy-making to ultimately eliminate or at least reduce suffering from the worst forms of exploitation.
The EUI team coordinated by Professor Anna Triandafyllidou is responsible for the comparative analysis of demand for trafficking in the wider area of domestic work. The study covers seven European countries: Belgium, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, and the UK. It reviews policy documents and case law, interviews with stakeholders and victims and provides for a comprehensive scientific and policy assessment of the challenge of trafficking for labour exploitation in the domestic work sector.
DemandAT : Addressing Demand in Anti-Trafficking Efforts and Policies
The DemandAT project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research (FP7-SSH-2013-2)
Project Coordinator: Dr. Albert Kraler, ICMPD, Vienna.
Scientific Coordinator of the EUI team: Prof. Anna Triandafyllidou
Duration Jan 2014 – June 2017
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