Funding obtained by the European Commission, DG Research, HORIZON programme, (call REFLECTIVE-9-2014, proposal no. SEP-210170552), Coordinator: Professor Arturo Rodriguez Moratò, University of Barcelona.
Head of EUI team: Prof. Anna Triandafyllidou, EUI, RSCAS
Budget for the EUI: 162,480 €
Starting date: 1 May 2015 (duration 2015-2017)
The CulturalBase project is about the cultural governance of Europe. It responds to the need of putting culture centre-stage in considering Europe’s future. Acknowledging that the main societal challenges of our time are cultural in nature (such as racism, extremism or also climate change and our use of natural resources) the project emphasises that their solutions are also cultural (in terms of finding a common ground of mutual tolerance and respect or also developing sustainable lifestyles). CULTURAL BASE brings together different types of stakeholders (intellectuals, researchers, local and regional authorities, civil society, artists and culture practitioners) to discuss the main topics that need to be addressed by research and policy initiatives in the cultural domain. The project critically reviews the state of knowledge in the field, the existing policy programmes, and through stakeholder consultation contributes to the production of new policy agendas in the field of cultural heritage and European identity. The CULTURAL BASE project creates an interactive digital platform for such consultations alongside research reports and actual meetings with stakeholders.